Every Day Is Christmas Day in the Divine Will

A sense of anticipation, a feeling of security and happiness being together as a family. The excitement, newness and brightness of hope swelling into joy. These are the impressions that characterize Christmas for me. Who is behind it all but God, calling me to Himself...

Tying your Faith to the Divine Will and Power of God

Faith commits us to things, to actions, to achievements that are beyond our capabilities. It makes possible and, in fact, enables the good-willed aspirations of our hearts. Faith provides the space to hope and believe that God also wants the good that we want. The...

God will give you as much as you dare to receive

God’s love and grace are so bountiful that we could never desire more than He already wants to give us. Our God is always inviting us to discover more. God wants to share so much with us – insights and intimate knowledge of Himself and his mysterious...