Why we fail to get better

“Man, every man, possesses in himself the image which God has conceived of for Man. But not all men possess the likeness to God in themselves.”1 If all have God’s image, how is it possible they do not have his likeness? Read on how the loss of...

A kingdom divided

[The following is from Poem of the Man-God, Maria Valtorta,  pp. 721-727; used by permission of  the publisher Centro Editoriale Valtortiano srl, Viale Piscicelli 89-91, 03036 Isola del Liri FR, Italy] The possessed man has been led before Jesus. He is motionless....

A New Evangelization

Jesus explains the coming of “a new evangelization” to Catholic mystic Maria Valtorta: “I shall evangelize, not as I [once] evangelized, but with a new power, for then the good will be not humanly good, as the disciples at my first coming were, but...

Come, let me wash and heal you

Jesus says: 1  “‘If I do not wash you, you will not take part in my Kingdom.  (John 13:8) “Soul that I love, and all of you that I love, listen. It is I who speak to you, for I want to spend this hour with you. “I, Jesus, do not separate you...

An Avalanche of Sin is Swallowing Us

How did our country become so corrupt? Why doesn’t God intervene to punish the “great sinners” and deliver the few believers who remain faithful? What good can come from all the evil that continues to go unchecked? We live with these questions every...

Is Earth the Lost Sheep?

What if the “great Babylon” – the “great harlot” – mentioned in the Book of Revelation is not a specific location or institution, but encompasses the whole Earth and those who have sold out to the world system for a moment of...