Being God at Your Own Expense

The tab’s on you


It is impossible to walk in the fullness of light without a spirit of humility and self-honesty. Without these, we cannot know the truth about ourselves. And from there, we easily end up in the wrong place.

We can meditate on scripture, pray and keep our religious practices. But, without humility and self-awareness, we stumble. We make decisions with limited knowledge and understanding because we place our egos between us and God, Who is the source of unlimited knowledge and wisdom.

“Sin speaks to the sinner in the depths of his heart. There is no fear of God before his eyes. He so flatters himself in his mind that he knows not his guilt.” Psalm 36

The person who is committed to sin, to doing all that he pleases regardless of injury to others or his own soul, has become his own god. He has set up his ego up as supreme ruler, his pleasures as the law of the land. He is nothing less than a monster in the making, a freakish caricature of God’s original design and plan.

“He plots the defeat of goodness as he lies on his bed. He has set his foot on evil ways, he clings to what is evil.”

The one who dedicates his life to fulfilling his immoral or unjust whims automatically separates himself from God. He defeats goodness in himself, as well as in the family, the community and society.

The one intent on sin isolates himself in a kingdom of his own making. He condemns himself to a dungeon of darkness, condensing his soul in negativity and closing himself off to wholesome, spiritual health. He is cut off from the fullness of light and life. If he proceeds along this path without repentance, he will become a demon.

Quite a different path lies in store for the person who humbly relies on God and demonstrates his love by freely choosing God’s will.

“They feast on the riches of your house; they drink from the stream of your delight. In you is the source of life and in your light we see light.”

The God-loving man proceeds with expansiveness, surrounded by a shield of light. He has access to unlimited resources. His journey is an adventure in the extravagance of God’s love and amazing ways.

God’s designs spring from perfection and lead to perfection, transcending all earthly beauty and human art.

The person who strives to follow the path of justice will never be disappointed except in the discovery of his own unjust, selfish behavior. But there is no getting around that because of original sin and the never-ending struggle it presents.

Check your ego at the door of your secret place of prayer and worship. It is so easy for those who live a religious life to become self-satisfied without realizing it. The greater the spiritual advances, the easier it is to slip into pride unaware – which is right where our adversary wants us.

Spiritual pride is loathsome to God. It is its own reward, short-lived though it is. By contrast, those who know they are weak and give in to temptation against their intentions – but seek the Lord and his forgiveness and help – draw down his mercy. And Jesus says to them – and invites us all –  “come, let me wash you.”

The humble person submits his life to God and asks the seer of all hearts to show him his hidden faults.

This vulnerable self-reflection becomes all the harder when we receive a steady stream of criticism or unkindness from those close to us  – and being sinners, we all give it as well as receive it. That’s why it is so important, so perfect to love others. Because it admits them – and us – more quickly into the loving embrace of God.