O sing Him a song that is new, play loudly with all your skill. (Psalm 33)

The invitation to sing God a new song is not meant only for singers, musicians and composers. It is meant for every person of faith.

So what does it mean to sing God a new song?

For starters, we can figure at the very least a change in attitude is indicated. Most have probably heard the parental admonition “you better change your tune,” meaning you’re flirting with danger and it’s time to change course.

But the psalmist is exhorting us to something much more lifechanging than a new attitude. He is inviting  us to fundamentally reorient ourselves to the Creator – a change that takes place deep within and refreshes our whole outlook on life.

We are encouraged to sing out with all the skill at our disposal. And what we lack in skill, we can make up with passion.

I remember once around the age of 17 playing a simple chord progression on the keyboard while a school friend stood by. The progression begin to catch on for my friend and inspired him to start vocalizing a melody with gutteral, non-descript syllables. Neither of us were into religion at that time – and my friend was definitely not a musician or singer – but the passion inspired by the music won out, creating something new. I could tell he was surprised and transformed by the experience.

We are called to make a joyful noise unto the Lord, to pour forth our most heartfelt sentiments in a total, trusting surrender to God. In doing so, we are in effect using all the gifts God has given us in an active expression of love and thanksgiving to the Giver.  And perhaps there could be nothing more gratifying to God than to receive the joyful expression of love and life from one of His creatures.

In one sense, we are being asked to perform, to do something that we are utterly incapable of doing alone. The paradox is that no one can do it but you or me. Like every creative act, we are dependent on grace.

While we might feel like a bird being pushed out of the nest to fly for the first time, God, as a good father, will support us and make up for our deficiencies.

Every one of us has a song – a new song – to sing to the Creator. We must figure out what it is, what that means to us personally.

Not only do we have reason to sing out of thanksgiving, but there is a “newness” and sense of discovery we’re invited to as well.

God, being unlimited in His creative power, is always doing a new thing. And He is always trying to do something new with each of us. To sing a new song to the Lord is to engage the Eternal Creator – the Grand Composer of all beauty – in  a new relationship and expression of being.

It has been said that music is the language of the soul. If so, then singing a new song to the Lord is like a collaborative musical exchange – a jam session – between our soul and God. It requires a great deal of trust and openness. We must be unmindful of ourselves – lose ourselves – in the grandeur of God and all that He created us to be.