Being able to build an authentic, personal relationship with God – and reach souls with the greatest success – requires being squarely aligned with Truth. Not being so would be like starting a building project without first surveying the property and then squaring and properly orienting the foundation. Each thing that builds on a foundation that is even only slightly off will magnify the original error and throw the super-structure out of alignment.

Prayer, meditative reading, contemplation – when done honestly and with humility and reverence before God – bring that proper focus and necessary outlook. They lay open our souls before God and allow us to see things – our situation, the world situation – without blinders or rose-colored glasses.

This is such an important first step to ministry and maturing as Christ’s disciples. It can bring us to the ground of our being, where everything emanates – and where we have a chance to decide freely who and what we will be. It provides the spiritual gut check and confidence we need to step out and walk sure-footedly.

The more we come before God in total surrender and openness, the more we hone our knowledge of ourselves and His ways. And the more we see  and feel the distance between us and God disappear.

Frequently visiting God is like a constant refocusing of our spiritual awareness – a fine-tuning of our relationship and alignment with God.