A Holy, Authentic Personality

What is that holy, authentic personality? What is personality as seen through God’s eyes?

Most would agree that each soul is unique. At least those who haven’t been totally brainwashed by today’s culture and have not given themselves entirely over to their animal nature.

Our souls are like the seeds of different grapes planted and nurtured in different soils and climates, producing a variety of flavors. read more…

Approaching the Father

How do we approach the Living One? How can we possibly speak to God?

How do we bridge the gulf between our poor humanity and his Divinity – from our unlimited selfishness to his Infinite Goodness? read more…

Friendship with Christ

Would that you would be hot or cold

Because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth

It is easier to ask God for help with those things that fit the typical categories of petition and prayer than it is to bring those deeply disturbing or embarrassing situations to him. But to only ask for isolated needs every now and then points to a relationship with Christ that is fairly distant. read more…

God Speaks

Are you listening?

Looking in the mirror with the One who loves.

When God is teaching us about ourselves, it so important to take little breaths or breaks in our thinking, in the conclusions we draw and our eventual response.

Too often we reject the lesson God wishes to give because of the particular pain point involved. read more…

Let Christ In. Let Him Bring You Out.

If you could cut through all the clutter and super-structures of your life—of your own making and not …. If you could step outside of the world you’ve constructed for temporary comfort and sanity …. If you could strip away the insulation that keeps you from hearing the groaning of your soul …

…then maybe you could find that holy ground buried deep within where you can have a true encounter with the Divine.

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A Masterpiece of Love

You can go through life limping, timid, afraid, tentative, uncertain, blustering, bullying, manipulating or whatever your favorite crutch or prop is.

Or, you can go through life with grace and confidence.

But go through life and confront your highly individualized and personal challenges you must. How you choose to do so is up to you.

Why not make it a beautiful thing? A masterpiece of love.

Lord, help me to be me the way you created me to be. How holy is that?

Stop Fuming and Fussing and Get on with Your Life

You have everything you need to fulfill your purpose.

Thank God and Don’t Waste another Moment

If we could understand one fact, if we could but broaden our perspective, think bigger and let love have its way with us, we could eliminate so many unnecessary disturbances among ourselves. And not only that, but we could also help each other realize our better selves with greater peace and joy. read more…

Where’s the Value in Life?

Time to get real

No more cookie-cutter solutions

We all have felt that aching of the spirit, that deep-down hunger and seemingly unquenchable thirst for something we couldn’t identify. We’ve all felt that loss of direction, purpose or meaning in life – even when, and perhaps, especially when – we’re doing the things we wanted to do most.

We come to the point where, like the sages of the Old Testament, we say: “In vain does man labor. All is vanity.” And it seems as if all our efforts – life itself – is so futile. What is it that’s happening here?

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Don’t make it about yourself

Don’t make your religion, your faith – your life – about you. It is a gratuitous gift from God. Don’t make your walk with the Lord about your spiritual abilities. And, for that matter, don’t make it about your miserable failings by indulging in endless self-pity. He chose you, not the other way around. And He will finish what he started, provided you don’t let pride get in the way. read more…