A second and final evangelization is being guided by Heaven
to meet the new times. 

What’s really behind the New Evangelization?

In 1950, Jesus gave the following dictation to Catholic mystic Maria Valtorta:

Since for twenty centuries there has been everything necessary for man to possess the Eternal Kingdom and reach the end for which he was created, there will not be a second redemption by the God‑Man. The man who loses Grace through weakness has the means to recover it and be redeemed. As he falls on his own, so on his own he can be redeemed by using the perpetual gifts which Christ instituted for all men who wish to draw from them.

And the Word of the Father will not come for a second Evangelization. He will not come personally. And yet He will evangelize.

He will raise up new evangelizers who will evangelize in his Name. They will evangelize in a new way in keeping with the times, a new way which will not substantially change the eternal Gospel or the great Revelation, but will broaden, complete, and make them understandable and acceptable even to those who, on account of their atheism and their incredulity regarding the Last Things and many other revealed truths, cite the reason that “they cannot believe things which they do not understand or love beings about whom too little is known, and that little is such as to cause fear and sorrow instead of attracting and encouraging. ”

New evangelizers. In reality, there already are, even if the world partly is unaware of them and partly attacks them. But they will be more and more numerous, and the world – after having overlooked or mocked or opposed them, when terror takes hold of the foolish who now deride the new evangelizers – will turn to them so that they will be strength, hope, and light in the darkness, horror, and tempest of ongoing persecution by the antichrists. For, if it is true that before the end of time more and more false prophets, servants of the Antichrist, will arise, it is equally true that Christ the Lord will set more and more of his servants against them, raising up new apostles in places where they are least expected.

And since Infinite Mercy, taking pity on distressed men overwhelmed by the storm of blood, fire, persecution, and death, will have Mary, the pure Star of the Sea, shine upon the sea of blood and horror, and She will be the forerunner of Christ in his final coming, these new evangelizers will bear the Gospel of Mary, who was truly left in the shadow by all the Evangelists and Apostles, and disciples, whereas vaster knowledge of Her would have instructed many, preventing many falls. For She is the Co‑Redemptrix and Teacher. The Teacher of pure, humble, faithful, prudent, and devout life in her home and among the people of her time. She is always a Teacher, down through the centuries, worthy to be all the better known, the more the world sinks towards the mire and darkness, so as to be all the more imitated in order to lead the world back to what is not darkness and mire.

The times ahead will be times of war – not only materially, but,  above all, the war between materiality and spirit. The Antichrist will seek to drag rational creatures into the swamp of a beastly life. Christ will seek to prevent this repudiation not only of religion, but also of reason by opening up new horizons and ways illuminated by spiritual lights, prompting a powerful awakening of the spirit in whoever does not openly reject it, an awakening assisted by these new evangelizers, bearing not only Christ, but the Mother of God. They will uplift the standard of Mary. They will lead people to Mary, and Mary, who was already, once before, the cause and source – indirect, but still powerful – of man’s redemption, will continue to be such. For She is the holy Adversary of the wicked Enemy, and her heel is destined to crush the infernal dragon perpetually, as Wisdom, which has found its seat in Her, is destined to defeat the heresies corrupting souls and intellects.

At that time – which must inevitably come, in which the darkness will fight with the light, bestiality with the spirit, the Satanic with the surviving children of God, Babylon with the Heavenly Jerusalem, and the lusts of Babylon, the threefold lusts, will over flow like stinking, uncontainable waters, seeping in everywhere, even into the House of God, as already occurred and is to happen again, as has been said, in that time of open separation between the children of God and Satan, in which the children of God will reach a spiritual power never before attained, and those of Satan, an evil power so vast that no mind can imagine what it will really be like – the new evangelization will come, the full new evangelization, which for the time being is going through its initial awakening, exposed to opposition.

And it will work great miracles of conversion and perfection. And there will be great efforts by Satanic hatred for Christ and the Woman. But the two will be unreachable for their enemies. It would not be appropriate or useful for them to be reached. A supreme offense against God may not be committed by striking the Two who are dearest to Him – his Son and the Mother – who in their time already suffered all the most hateful and painful offenses, but who now, having been glorified for centuries, could not be offended without an immediate, horrendous divine punishment of the offenders.

For this reason, with new means, in the right way and at the right time, the final evangelization will be carried out, and those who yearn for Light and Life will have them – full, perfect, and provided through a means known only to the two Givers, by Jesus and Mary. Only those who choose darkness and mire, heresy and hatred for God and Mary – that is, those already dead before dying, the putrid spirits, the spirits sold to Satan and his servants, the forerunners of the Antichrist and the Antichrist himself – will have darkness and mire and torment and eternal hatred, as is proper for it to be, when He who is to come does come.

[From The Notebooks 1945-1950, Maria Valtorta pp. 564-567; used by permission of  the publisher Centro Editoriale Valtortiano srl, Viale Piscicelli 89-91, 03036 Isola del Liri FR, Italy]